Todd Thomas NEW

Todd Thomas

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Have you ever been asked what your last meal would be? A morbid and flinching question that might infer one is a resident of death row. When I have answered that question in my mind, I have always included shrimp, peanut butter, and some fresh sushi with a hot jello water chaser. But no fruit, never any fruit. However, I am thinking of amending that answer to now include the dish I enjoyed this past weekend while in Boise. This was the second time I have ordered the Beef Stroganoff on the menu at Trillium Restaurant, located in the Grove Hotel on North Capitol St. I have been anticipating this follow up visit for six months, since my first taste of it last summer.

This dish is far from the only stroganoff dish I was familiar with, that being the Hamburger Helper version I fed my son almost weekly during our Andy Griffith and Opie days. So often, in fact, that once he was away at college, dependent on me for the occasional grocery delivery, that he begged: “Please Dad!...for the love of all that is holy, no more hamburger helper…please!!”

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